Nette Modules on Steroids

Struggle for cleaner code in your application


Router Provider

Register specific routes for your module.

Check source of IRouterProvider on the Github.

Don't worry to use NetteRouteMock and connected classes! In some cases the Modules mocks for the routers work better than native Nette routers ;-). Eg. the issue #2


You can add your separated service as your router factory

Then your router factory looks like:

Latte Macros Provider

Extend your Latte templates in application with your powerful macros.

Check source of ILatteMacrosProvider on the Github.

Presenter Mapping Provider

Do you prefer own namespace? Me too! Just tell to application about it.

Check source of IPresenterMappingProvider on the Github.

Template Helpers Provider

Extend your Latte templates in application with your powerful helpers.

Check source of ITemplateHelpersProvider on the Github.

Parameters Provider

Define own "constants" for your application. (Or overwrite defined.)

Check source of IParametersProvider on the Github.

Error Presenter Provider

Implement your cool error pages like the Boss!

Check source of IErrorPresenterProvider on the Github.

Tracy Panels Provider

Improve debugging with custom intelligent panel.

Check source of ITracyPanelsProvider on the Github.

Tracy Bar Panels Provider

Add custom panel into debugging panel.

Check source of ITracyBarPanelsProvider on the Github.


Nette Modules on Steroids means simple registration and management of Nette modules & extensions.

Flame/Modules is very tiny library which allows write reusable modules for Nette framework. With Modules you can separate your application into small modules (addons, extensions, plugins etc.) which can be handled eg. with Composer. No more Copy&Paste!

Don't be worry about performance. In fact, Modules library is only one class ModulesExtension which is loaded by your application. And we know Nette Extension are processed only during generating of cache - it means only on first load of your app. Faster coding!

Based on solid modular concept of Nette.


Recommended way

Use Composer to install Flame/Modules.

In your composer.json you must have the following lines:

Specify version of flame/modules if you want.

Update composer dependencies (run command: composer update)

Register extension Flame\Modules\DI\ModulesExtension in your config.neon file:

That's all. Simple, don't you think?

Add your modules

Now, you can add your custom modules: (eg.)

TIP! Make sure the ModulesExtension is registered as the last Nette extensions. You will avoid a lot of misunderstanding.

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